We’re proud to announce that Zebra Dream will be back soon with 2 new flavours! The countdown is on… Stay tuned for more delicious updates.

“I can’t recommend Zebra Dream enough. I’m a plant-based eater, but don’t like the taste of coconut. Thank you for making a delicious hemp-based alternative!”
– Kayla, Melbourne
“I quit eating processed sugar and found when I did eat sugary foods again, that everything was sickly sweet. Love that Zebra Dream is not super sweet!”
– Alex, Brighton VIC
“A guilt-free, sugar-free dessert which is also high in protein. What’s not to love?!”
– Sam, Bondi NSW
“Finally, an alternative frozen dessert that’s low in sugar and high in protein. It’s my post-workout go-to snack”
– Tommy, South Yarra VIC
“I was a big fan of Zebra Dream years ago, so I’m so happy they’re back at it making ice cream! A little bit different from the original, but equally as delicious - Love it!”
– Tracey, Alphington VIC
“This ice-cream is from out of this world, the new mint choc chip is my absolute fav, zingy, fresh mint, little chips of chocolate, subtle hints of bitter-sweetness.. Makes my palate and my tummy so, so happy! For all you vegans out there, get amongst it!”
– Magda, Brunswick VIC

